Signup | Itefy

Sign up for a Free 14 Days Trial

Free for 14 days No credit card required Cancel anytime

Try Itefy for free - Get starter in just a few seconds

Just provide your email address, verify by email and start using your trial account - within seconds!

Itefy Web App on desktop, laptop and tablet

1. Sign up

2. Verify email

3. Use Itefy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the 14 days free trial work?

    After signing up, you'll receive an email with a PIN code and a link to your Itefy account. You will have full access to all features for 14 days.

  • What happens at the end of my free trial?

    You will be notified by email when you're half way through the trial period, when there is 3 days left and when there is 24 hours left. If you do nothing, the trial account will simply be deleted after the trial period has expired.

  • Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

    No. If you choose to create a paid subscription from your trial account, you only pay for one period (monthly or yearly) at the time. When you cancel, the subscription will be cancelled immediately, and the account will only be active to the end of the current subscription period.

  • Are there any setup fees?

    No, there are no setup fees or hidden charges to our subscription plans.

  • Which currencies can I choose from?

    You can select between United States dollar (USD), Euro (EUR) and Norwegian Kroner (NOK, Norwegian customers only).

  • Can I change my plan?

    Yes, you can change both the plan and the interval (monthly or yearly) at any point during a paid subscription. It will start a new subscription period, but the remaining time of the paid period will be prorated (subtracted from the new subscription period).

  • Does my free trial limit my access to features?

    No, you will have access to all features, including our mobile app. The only limitation is the amount of resources available, which is limited to 200 users and 1000 items.

  • Do I need to enter credit card info to sign up?

    No, you can sign up and use Itefy for 14 days without entering your credit card details. Only if you decide to continue using Itefy by starting a subscription you'll be asked for credit card details. Credit card information and payments are securely handeled by Stripe, and do not touch our servers.

  • What payment methods do you accept?

    We accept a diversity of card brands, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & Diners, China UnionPay and Japan Credit Bureau. Credit card details and payments are exclusively handled by Stripe, one of the world's leading payment service providers.