Equipment Booking & Scheduling Software | Itefy

Equipment Booking & Scheduling Software

Plan and schedule equipment usage
and avoid double bookings.

Key features:

  • Equipment Reservation
  • Maintenance Scheduling
  • Renewal reminders
  • Appointments

Plan and schedule equipment usage

Choose a quick, easy and seamless way to exercise complete control over your equipment. Prevent moving back and forth while allowing users to book available equipment on the go. Get real-time access to information anytime and anywhere 24/7, for an error-free process.

List and calendar views

Eliminate the need for time-consuming and burdensome paperwork or equipment forms. Simply enter and view the reservations in the form of a list or view them in a visual calendar by day, week, or month.

Recurring reservations

No more confusion in repeat equipment reservation.

Creating recurring equipment reservations is quick and hassle-free.

You can easily create repeat reservations for periodic maintenance, refills, license renewals, etc.

Multiple items in one reservation

No need to waste your time making multiple reservations and keeping track of them all. You can reserve multiple equipment items in a single reservation, saving time and limiting the number of reservations.

Avoid double bookings

Double bookings of equipment are common, causing wastage of time and stress. With our innovative equipment booking software, you can prevent double-booking of equipment and ensure transparency of the process.

Reserve on behalf of other users

Sometimes you need to reserve equipment on behalf of others. Using our equipment booking software makes it easy and seamless. The project coordinator can make a reservation on behalf of another user and notify them about it.

Reserve to a location

Our equipment booking software allows you to track the reservation location.

It means you can stay updated about the project for where the user is making a reservation of equipment.

Smooth workflow to checkouts and events

Easily convert the reservation into checkouts or events depending on your requirements.

Our intelligent software automatically copies all reservation and records information to the checkout or event, saving your time in the process.

Avoid uncompleted reservations

Get notifications about the expired reservations that users have not completed on the dashboard.

Automatically send notifications to users who have incomplete reservations to remind them about it.

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